Photo Bashing In Corel Painter

I wanted to get a quick project under my belt this weekend and realised that I haven’t yet tried a full photobash in Corel painter. So here is the result. Whilst I found the whole process good, I did find myself missing layer adjustments, especially HSV. You can flatten and adjust – you know theContinue reading “Photo Bashing In Corel Painter”

Corel Painter – Brushing up

So this is a quick look at how I created a my own fountain pen brush.I wanted it to mimic my Lammy Safari that I use to sketch with in RL. I first found a pen stroke that was already close to what I wanted… there’s no point in starting completely from scratch… I foundContinue reading “Corel Painter – Brushing up”

Corel Painter – Brushing up

I generally work using some standard brush packs -Im no stranger to making my own brushes or tweaking, but time saving is always top of my list… now there is a bit of a gap in my arsenal converting to corel painter I need to be able to bridge the gap by making my own.Continue reading “Corel Painter – Brushing up”